Paradoxes in the implementation of psychological consulting for teachers in the slovak republic

Soňa Kariková, Beata Kosová


The basic legislative document regarding the position of teachers in the SR is Act No. 317/2009 Coll [2] on teaching staff and vocational training employees. The Act brought a new dimension into the field of pedeutology regarding the direct «representation» of psychology and psychologists in the teaching profession. The Act introduced a requirement regarding the mental capacity of teachers – as a precondition for the performance of their work – and addressed their need to seek help in order to solve certain problems in the form of psychological consulting. This paper discusses actual possibilities, mainly limitations and paradoxes, related to the implementation of psychological intervention for teachers in the educational practice. This paper was supported by Slovak Research and Development Agency (SRDA) based on Agreement No. APVV – 16 0573.

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This paper discusses actual possibilities

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Parliament Journal No. 958 of 2 March 2009. Available at:

Act No. 317/2009 on teaching staff and vocational training employees.

Act No. 199/1994 Coll. on Psychological Activities and Slovak Chamber of Psychologists.

Journal of the Ministry of Interior of the SR No. 36. Bratislava: Ministry of Interior of the SR, 2003.

Košco J. et al. (1987). Poradenská psychológia. Bratislava, SPN.

Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 431/1996 on details of educational consulting and consulting facilities.

Act 245/2008 Coll. on Upbringing and Education (the School Act) as amended.


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