Klaryfikacja wartości wolności przez uczniów w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej

Marta Buk-Cegiełka


Clarification of values is understood as a reflection on the choices made in everyday life, made in terms of their importance and compliance with life goals and aspirations, as well as personal preferences (P. Oleś) [7]. It is the basic condition for their realization. The realization of values is understood as acquiring such attitudes that they become personality traits (K. Ostrowska). So we can say about a man: a free, loving, believing, responsible man. The study will approximate the value of freedom and raise issues related to upbringing to freedom as the goal of educational and didactic work. An attempt will also be made to show the system of clarifying the value of freedom at the first educational stage. In terms of clarifying the value of freedom by children in early school age, the early childhood education teacher plays an important role. Its task is to make the clarification of the value of health an important goal of educational and didactic work. This is achieved by teaching methods, teaching aids, and forms of activity that create a chance to choose the value of freedom. Techniques of value clarification, in particular: The method of asking questions, dialogue consisting in asking problematic questions in everyday situations in relation to the value of freedom; Thinking from the future – is an attempt to consider how a given decision, choice, form of activity can be seen and evaluated in the perspective of time : in a week, in a month, in a year...; Sheets of written questions – these are sets of questions or short descriptions of problem situations that make it possible to respond to them; Discussion – it should be reflective, giving each participant the opportunity to express their opinion on the subject raised in it, i.e. on freedom as a value. (Laskowska, Oleś 2016), both in the historical and contemporary context, in relation to the individual and the whole society, as well as Europe and the world. The conclusion of the study will be indications and recommendations for educational practice. Tasks for teachers will be indicated, the aim of which will be to clarify the value of freedom

Ключові слова

value of freedom; value clarification; early childhood education; social education; value clarification techniques

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