Essence and content of the category "healthy lifestyle"

Elnara Ismailova


The article notes that in the modern period a number of factors: socio-political, environmental, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle, addiction to bad habits, etc. have a serious negative impact on the spiritual and physical health, emotional, psychological, mental and intellectual state of students. The nature of this situation has led to the emergence of valueology as a new integrative field of science, conditioned by the demands of modern social life and society, involving a healthy lifestyle, care for the personal health of all people, including the students themselves. The model of formation of a healthy lifestyle among students requires the definition of the purpose, content, essence and principles of pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle in them. In modern times, a healthy lifestyle for every person is based on such values as happiness and well-being as a way of life. Speaking about the values that determine the content of a healthy lifestyle, we consider it necessary to focus on the fact that in this study we are talking about a healthy lifestyle that creates types of a healthy lifestyle or implies its components. It was this premise and this approach that made it possible to determine the further analysis of the concept of "healthy lifestyle". The socio-economic progress that has taken place in modern Azerbaijan requires people who avoid bad habits, consciously and responsibly treat their health and those around them, lead a correct lifestyle, and be healthy physically and spiritually. Thus, the further development of our state, which occupies a worthy place in Europe and among the countries of the world, is due to the education of young generations living in a healthy environment and healthy both physically and mentally and spiritually. Therefore, a careful and responsible attitude to the physical and spiritual existence of oneself and others, in terms of health protection, a caring attitude towards oneself, loved ones and others should become a practical principle or moral law of the life and work of a future teacher. Within the framework of the problem we are studying, in this aspect, the implementation of the project “Healthy Education – a Healthy Nation” in educational institutions is of great importance.

Ключові слова

healthy lifestyle; valeology; student; educational institution; pedagogical process; public consciousness.

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