Self-perfection of students of medical specialties by means of information and intellectual technologies

Oleksandr Shevchuk


This study substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the formation of self-improvement of medical students by means of information and intellectual technology. The modern educational paradigm is considered, which is aimed at finding innovative approaches to scientifically sound and consistent organizational and pedagogical support of its development. It is determined that one of the ways to implement the tasks is the consistent introduction of effective pedagogical conditions that will ensure the readiness of medical students to develop self-improvement through information technology. Different points of view of researchers regarding the interpretation of this phenomenon are analyzed. The main approaches to scientific and methodological training of teachers to use information technology in the educational process are identified, and the pedagogical conditions for creating an environment aimed at strengthening the motivation of medical students to use information and intellectual technologies in teaching and professional activities. Based on the analysis of a number of achievements and from our own practical experience we determine the pedagogical conditions for the development of self-improvement of medical students by means of information and intellectual technologies as a set of interdependent and interdependent information factors and methodological measures of the pedagogical process. future specialists have components of pedagogical competence and, as a result, improve the quality of self-improvement development for future professional activity. It is noted that information and intellectual technologies expand the educational space of higher education institutions and will attract leading specialists from other educational and research institutions to train students of medical specialties, interns and professional development of teaching staff.

Ключові слова

pedagogical conditions; self-improvement; motivation; information and intellectual technologies; professional training; educational process.

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