Educational resources as a means of improving the quality of education

Narmina Mammadova


In the modern era, which is characterized as the “age of knowledge”, “the age of information”, the rapid development of science and technology and quick access to information are vital for the development of man and society. In the conditions of revolutionary technological changes observed in the world economy in the XXI century, the real power is no longer in physical strength, but in the trained human brain, the widespread use of information and communication technologies in education and the transformation of natural resources into high potential human capital. Everywhere in the world, at every stage of social development, there was an organic connection between society and education. It may happen that some societies may not be able to mobilize sufficient resources for educational activities and institutions, but not all accept the central role of education in public life. In a world moving towards rapid globalization, education and technology must be interconnected, and scientific and technological innovation must be carefully monitored in order to take its rightful place in the information society. Formation of an independent, creative personality and citizen with the qualities of human adaptation to modern requirements and conditions, competitiveness, responsibility, participation in collegial decision-making, the functioning and development of democratic institutions, democracy, nationalism and secularism, efficiency, humanism. There is an urgent need for each country to devote more attention to education in order to form a personality based on the principles of continuity, unity and continuity. This is only possible for training an individual in accordance with the conditions of the present and new conditions that will appear in the future.

Ключові слова

educational resources; students; efficiency; educational process; resources.

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