The relevance of researching the psychological foundations of forming bank customer attachment in the context of digital transformation and growing competition

Yurii Kiiko


The article analyzes how the rapid development of technology and growing competition affect the needs of banking services consumers for quality of service, individual approach to service and speed of response. The authors emphasize the importance of studying the socio-psychological mechanisms of commitment formation to better meet the needs, increase loyalty and attachment of bank customers. The theories and practical achievements of psychologists and economists such as D. Kahneman, O. Dixon, F. Reichheld, F. Zimbardo, K. Keller, R. Cialdini, and others have been analyzed. The fundamental works of researchers of the attachment phenomenon have been considered: J. Bowlby, K. Bartholomew & L. Horowitz, L. Guerrero & G. Bachman, M. Credé & S. Niehorster, C. Hesse & S. Trask, L. Holt & J. Fifer, Z. Temiz, J. Jones, E. Sagone and others. Four primary areas have been identified that banks should develop to enhance customer attachment: changes in consumer behavior and the financial market, customer experience and financial stability, social responsibility and trust, and personalization of service. The development of mobile app technologies and online services aimed at improving the quality of banking services is changing the paradigm of banking service, creating new methods and ways for banks to interact with their customers. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to generate personalized offers. In such circumstances, customer expectations are also changing, and this has an impact on the development strategy of banks. The article addresses how individuals choose a bank, with a focus on social responsibility and trust. It examines the impact of ethical practices, investments in local communities, and the implementation of social projects on customer attachment by enhancing banks' reputation. The authors highlight the importance and necessity of further empirical research on forming bank customer attachment, focusing on the structure of this phenomenon and the key factors contributing to its formation. They emphasize the significance of incorporating psychological aspects into customer service processes in the banking sector to enhance bank competitiveness and foster mutually beneficial cooperation with clients. Attention is focused on conducting targeted education and training, which will allow bank employees to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to improve the quality of customer service and increase customer loyalty to the bank.

Ключові слова

attachment; loyalty; commitment; consumers; consumers; digital transformation; competition; bank.

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