The human factor in modern Azerbaijani prose
The article examines the human problem in modern Azerbaijani prose. The primary goal of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of prose works on modern human problems. The main purpose of examining human problems in prose is to strengthen students' analyzing, critical thinking, and intellectual development of moral qualities. It is known that prose is a popular genre in Azerbaijani literature; it is a style of writing that follows the conventions of speech and language. In addition, modern Azerbaijani prose discusses the causes of qualitative changes and how they affect human affairs. Nevertheless, modern literature has some difficulty promoting the latest basic concepts. Another goal of the article is to help students develop the versatility of artistic images as well as the ability to express natural feelings and thoughts. From this point of view, modern Azerbaijani prose should enrich students' ideas about new human thinking and diversity. In addition, studies show that the evolution of literature can affect the quality of human elements in prose works and lead to various changes, innovations, and conflicts in fiction works. Comparative analysis of prose works plays an excellent role in solving human problems and gives characteristics of modern man. Events in society shape human character in literature. Therefore, the comparative analysis of various prose works revealed the qualities of a new intellectual person in modern Azerbaijani literature. To carry out this analysis, it is necessary to set up an experiment. 18 third-year students (12 girls, 6 boys), 3 teachers, and an associate professor were involved in the research methods of the experiment. The experiment lasted two months to identify and compare the human problem in the prose genre. Data were collected using both qualitative and descriptive statistics. According to the findings, the texts reveal that some historical heroes have evolved from harsh and cruel to benevolent leaders who are beloved by their people for their honesty and heroic image.
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