New theoretical perspectives and methodological foundations in physical education at school

Hamid Aliyev


The article is devoted to the presentation of new theoretical and methodological views on the development of physical fitness of the new generation. The main goal of the experiment is to eliminate deficiencies in physical and functional development indicators in 5th-6th grade students, to reveal their motor abilities, to reveal the role of hygiene and athletics in physical development, and to take into account the full functional activity. Then, the physiological measures, stimulations, biomechanical measures, content analysis, questionnaires, interviews, and observations are included in the methodological list. Methods and organization of the research of the study enrolled V–VI grade students (12), 2 teachers, and 1 coach for the pedagogical experiment. The duration of the experiment was one month to realize their moving ability, healthy lifestyle. Data collection presented the descriptive method of statistics by using different indicators (mean-median-mode) and some calculations to use shifting positive changes of dynamic growth. The stimulation method was designed to correct some errors in students' motor abilities; active exercises were performed; and students' physical and functional activities in terms of height, weight, and speed were evaluated. Findings showed that students' athletic and movement abilities increased regardless of their height, weight, or speed. Physical health, a healthy lifestyle, and hygiene are all important factors in their physical development. Students were tested on their ability to perform the corresponding motor skills under the supervision of the teacher. The goal was to identify the student's motor skill deficiencies. Several physical exercises have been implemented aimed at increasing movement ability through the development of physical activities, keeping a healthy lifestyle, and hygiene. The proper daily routine, healthy hygiene and nutrition, and the method of stimulating daily activities create dynamism in physical activity and movement abilities, as well as raise children's awareness of the effects of actions and health-improving means on the body

Ключові слова

physical and functional development; healthy lifestyle; motor skills; speed; physical exercise

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