The illusion of freedom in a lie – education to respect the truth and responsibility for the word

Ewelina Szlachta


The main purpose of this article is to present the illusion of freedom in lying and to emphasize the benefits of fostering respect for the truth and fostering responsibility for words. The subject of the analysis in the presented study is the definition of the concept of lies and the characteristics of the main forms of lies, the idea of the illusory freedom in lies and the indication of the benefit for the education of respect for the truth and responsibility for the word, which arises as a result of the introduction of philosophizing with children as one of the methods of working with them. elements that make up its essence and pedagogical aspects of education of respect for the truth and responsibility for the word. Also, attention is paid to the consequences of rejecting the truth for human development. In this perspective, the functions of the value of truth and responsibility for the word will be outlined in the perspective of the contour theory of personality development of S. Kunovsky (biological contour, psychological contour, cultural contour, worldview), which indicates the functions performed by values: truth and responsibility in the context of respect and responsibility The features of philosophizing with children as a method of work leading to the formation of attitudes of respect for the truth and responsibility for the word, which must be introduced into the curriculum of future teachers, are outlined. The article specifies the tasks of the future teacher-educator, which relate to two main levels of activity in the context of respect for the truth and responsibility for the word – as a recipient and creator of information. In this perspective, the skills of finding true information, recognizing manipulations and forming the habit of checking their sources, characterizing the user as the recipient of the message, become important. The article emphasizes that the education of respect for the truth and responsibility for the word in the context of the functioning of the individual in the virtual community is one of the main tasks of the modern school.

Ключові слова

falsehood; philosophizing with children; education in respect for truth, education for responsibility for the words, philosophy

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