Prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders

Vasyl Ollo


Implementation of prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, that is, the involvement of professional competence in the direction of the nominal task of social, public, educational and law enforcement agencies and services. Accordingly, the problem of unlawful behavior of juvenile offenders, which is noted by the general aspects of society, that is, solving the problem in the form of prevention of offenses by police officers against juvenile offenders using the ethical and moral aspect of society in the context of state responsibility. The perspective state of minors is the future of the nation, that is, the implementation of strengthening and improving the globalization of Ukraine. Accordingly, during the solution, application and implementation of the prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders in the prevention of crimes of this contingent, that is, the creativity of the solution on professional issues and the application of professional competence by police officers to strengthen modernity in relation to citizens of the Ukrainian statehood. Timeliness of response in the form of response measures and solutions to the child's homelessness, i.e. drug use, alcoholism and / or domestic violence to identify and record the potential for the existence of difficult life circumstances in their own modern sociality of the situation that a minor found himself in and requires the participation of a police officer. The statement during the clarification of the problem of prevention of offenses by police officers in relation to juvenile offenders, which in modern times exists in the form of lack of social protection, capacity and ability, confrontation with negative manifestations, that is, material, psychological and antisocial content in resolving conflict perceptions and involvement of professional competence on the part of police officers. Accordingly, the indication of the problem of prevention of offenses with the use of police officers during the implementation of measures, that is, the elimination of offenses by minors will undoubtedly contribute to the blocking and neutralization of the determinant of illegal behavior with the involvement of professional competence of the police officer. Prevention of delinquency and the implementation of nominal measures among juvenile offenders is determined by a number of these psychological and social features, that is, the lack of experience, skills, knowledge and skills of modern and collective life in society. The negative impact of the tort environment, reducing the level of social, legal, medical, psychological and pedagogical support, that is, during the implementation of measures to help the family towards the minor in terms of personal attention in particular.

Ключові слова

crime prevention; police officers; professional competence; juvenile offenders; improvement of pedagogical; social and public relations.

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