Formation of behavioral culture of pre-school children in interactive phased physical culture exercises organized with sports-oriented didactic games

Kifayat Mammadova


The article talks about the role and importance of sports-oriented didactic games in shaping the behavioral culture of preschool children in physical education classes, and gives examples of the exercises organized with those games in middle, senior and pre-school groups related to the research. The importance of the integration between the four development areas of the preschool education program (curriculum) in the formation of children's physical and cognitive, aesthetic and social skills during the organization of interactive staged physical culture exercises with sports-oriented didactic games is also reflected in detail in the article. Thus, the integrated implementation of the content standards of Physical development, health and safety, Cognitive development, Aesthetic and creative development and Social-emotional development areas in accordance with the interactive stages of the training, paves the way to achieve the goal set in the training, and ensures the result orientation of the training. This, in turn, enables children to easily and positively demonstrate the new knowledge they have acquired about the rules of behavior in accordance with the given standard during the training process or independently in their skills outside of training. Reciting the names of sports games and sports equipment and how to use them creates conditions for children to introduce new words to their vocabulary, enrich their vocabulary, develop their speech, to form and expand their ideas about sports games, to develop a culture of listening, to treat others with respect, etc. As it can be seen, the didactic game serves the general development of children and performs both the role of training and play. The research shows that purposeful organization of sports-oriented didactic games plays the role of a motive in children's involvement in the game. By providing children with communication, mutual cooperation, activity and enthusiastic participation in the game, such games create conditions for the formation of their behavioral culture and easy acquisition of knowledge and skills. The regular conduct of colorful sports-oriented didactic games in physical culture exercises is accompanied by children's demonstration of the rules of behavior they have learned against their elders, peers and younger ones, and their behavior is strengthened. Along with this, regular organization of the work carried out in the direction of the systematic organization of children's behavior culture development by behavioral components by educators-teachers and parents and their implementation within the framework of mutual cooperation also serves the efficiency of the work.

Ключові слова

preschool educational institution; physical culture training; behavior culture; criterion; educator-teacher; child; parent; mutual cooperation; development; group; integration; sports-oriented didactic game; interactive; areas of development; cooperation.

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