Conceptual approaches to managing reproduction of the human potential of an enterprise

Valentyna Ivanova


The article considers the problem of managing the reproduction of the human potential of an enterprise. Human potential is essential for ensuring innovative activity and competitiveness of an enterprise. Highly qualified employees and in particular their human potential are the most important capital of the enterprise. The analysis of scientific publications revealed that the problem of human potential reproduction has not been studied sufficiently at the enterprise level. Reproduction of the human potential of an employee is presented as a set of processes for the renewal and growth of its objective and subjective characteristics to ensure their maximum compliance with the actual and future requirements of the enterprise. Conceptual approaches to the human potential reproduction based on the system of education (vocational training and advanced training) are offered. They are the basis for forming the system of human potential reproduction. Such a system takes into account the dynamism of updating the requirements for staff, their professionalism, qualification and educational level. It is offered to define and solve the tasks of human potential reproduction, focusing on a certain period of staff activity at the enterprise. This can be a period of adaptation, periods of mastering processes, and achieving a high level of competence. The use of an enterprise’s interaction with external educational institutions in the training system and the creation of an internal training structure for the reproduction of human potential are considered. The advantage of the internal learning structure is highlighted. This is the ease and efficiency of its change in accordance with the needs of the enterprise. An algorithm for monitoring human potential is offered, which comprehensively takes into account the statistical data, the results of expert assessments, and a survey of employees. Such monitoring is the basis for identifying the discrepancy between the development of human potential components and the requirements of the current business environment. The mechanism of the human potential reproduction of an employee is presented as a sequence of processes for providing, monitoring, updating, improving and developing. Their content is determined based on the goals and objectives of managing human potential reproduction.

Ключові слова

management; education system; conceptual approaches; reproduction; human potential.

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