Psychological support of nurses training from the position of resilience

Oleksandra Shevchenko, Marianna Marusynets, Yuliіa Nenko


The article highlights the results of theoretical analysis of scientific literature and the study of peculiarities of nurses’ professional development in the course of their professional training. A number of problems have been outlined, which indicate the need to develop resilience of this category of specialists dealing with severe somatic patients and providing appropriate socio-psychological conditions in the process of their professional training. An alternative program for the development of resilience of future specialists in «Nursing» dealing with severe somatic patients, in which the psychological component is substantiated, as such, which will promote the development of stability and stress resistance of nurses in situations of different production complexity. Experimental data are presented, which confirm the need to develop this ability in nurses throughout professional training. The procedure and results of the formative experiment are highlighted, which testify to the effectiveness of the author's program for the development of resilience of future specialists in «Nursing» in working with severe somatic patients. The practical significance of the research, which consists in the development and testing of a comprehensive psychological program for the development of resilience of future nurses in working with difficult semantic patients, is outlined. The obtained results, developed psychodiagnostic and corrective methods, as well as training sessions can be implemented in practical classes on the basics of nursing, basics of psychology and interpersonal communication, nursing in palliative and hospice care, nursing ethics and deontology, occupational psychology, psychology. educational institutions that provide professional training for future nurses. The sustainability training program can be used in the training process aimed at training nurses, as well as in refresher courses during direct practical activities for continuous training

Ключові слова

resilience; future nurses; psychological resilience; stress resilience; psychological program

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