Pandemic of COVID-19 as key impact factor on labour market in Ukraine

Zinaida Smutchak


The situation on the Ukrainian labour market, which has developed as a result of the pandemic, is analyzed. The main post-quarantine tendencies of the labour market are characterized. Given that the crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemic was not initially economic, the impact of anti-epidemic measures completely blocked the activities of certain sectors of the economy and affected all other sectors. The coronacrisis and quarantine dealt a much greater blow to employment. No one will name the actual number of those laid off or those who have become temporarily unemployed. For many companies, sending employees on partially and completely unpaid leave was the first priority anti-crisis decision to reduce operating costs. Given the continuation of quarantine, there are two possible baseline scenarios in Ukraine: further severe quarantine and moderate developments, that is different measures depending on the level of morbidity in different regions. Attention is paid to labour migration as a key factor influencing the labour market. The problem with migrant workers who have now returned to Ukraine is considered and possible options for the development of events in the current conditions are identified. Despite the general complexity of the economic situation in the host countries and the still closed borders, labour migration has every chance to intensify. The extent of this depends on the situation in the economy of a particular country. The hardest thing abroad now is for those migrant workers who work illegally. Because they voluntarily deprive themselves of all rights and cannot enjoy the social support of the country where they are. It is advantageous for foreign employers to deal with illegal migrant workers, because those who came to the country to earn money illegally do not have legal and social protection. The unresolved problem of the return of migrant workers is complicated by the new requirement to build a high-quality, efficient, bureaucracy-free, discriminatory and underfunded reintegration system for migrant workers

Ключові слова

labour market; labour force; unemployment; quarantine; pandemic; labour migration; migrant

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