Factors that have a positive influence on students' learning activity

Farida Khudiyeva


At the center of significant changes taking place in society is education and attitude towards it. It is motivation that prompts a person to achieve the goal he has set for himself. Furthermore, the reason for any success of a person depends not only on his knowledge and skills, but also on his motives. An unmotivated person is idle in doing something and often fails to achieve the goal he has set for himself. From our standpoint, the stronger a person's motivation is, the more successful his activity will be. All kinds of teacher-student relationships are more successful because of motivation. If the teacher doesn't influence the students, they won't be nimble in training, positive motives will not arise, and the student won't be able to set a successful learning target. The issue of learning motives is a rather difficult experimental task. If we want to improve the quality of education and training, then solving this problem is principal.  Analysis shows that, the number of students who do not want to acquire knowledge is constantly increasing. Even among primary school pupils, it shows itself. It is worth noting that, motivation is not congenital, it is an acquired quality. The teacher's professionalism and proficiency are the main means of developing motivation. Achieving high motivation in the learning process is important for success in training and future life. Motivation may not always be high, it depends on the student's feelings, circumstances, the specific subject being studied and the personality of the teacher. A pupil's desire to learn does not depend on only one motive, it consists of a system of motives that are related to each other and complement each other. Learning motivation is an important issue that characterizes the child's mental development. A student who has a passion for learning will definitely have success in learning. The dynamics of learning motivation show itself in practically all aspects of the student's activity and behavior.

Ключові слова

motivation; teacher-student relationship; training activity; training methods; learning; educational technology.

Повний текст:



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