Generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) during the acquisition of a working profession

Vasyl Оllo


Generating the format of the article to determine the feasibility of the procedure for covering artificial intelligence (AI) as it becomes popular as a terminology on the problem of levelling vocational education. Stabilization of the procedure involving artificial intelligence (AI), i.e. creative implementation of the vocational education industry in the form of the level of acquisition of a working profession in the field of vocational education. Accordingly, the optimization and professionalism of the advantages of artificial intelligence (AI) in relation to the aspect of the level of professional development and strengthening of the vocational industry in the format of the educational sector in relation to the direction of finding effective mechanisms for developing the content of the application of the quality of professional training in order to improve the level of competence of students. The line of the ability to fulfill the tasks of the educational process during the nominal activities of the level of vocational education with the use of artificial intelligence (AI), respectively, considers the possibility of nominal implementation of methodological proposals, that is, in the course of attracting the creativity of the educational perspective in the field of vocational education. Accordingly, industry activities in the format of improving the level of the educational process with a cascade flow in solving problems, that is, solutions in the context of attracting modern technologies. Optimization and creative advantages during the influence and generation of the industry during the acquisition of professional education, which is significantly synchronized with the concept of prospects and the effectiveness of the involvement of artificial intelligence (AI). The correct procedure for applying in the nominal range of educational fields and creative methodological proposals, that is, improving the level of inferential reduction of preventive measures with the involvement of the format of professional training towards artificial intelligence (AI). The connecting link along with artificial intelligence (AI) nominally applied in the field of autonomy is optimization and creative advantages during the influence and generation of the vocational education industry and, accordingly, statistics of social reality and expanding access to artificial intelligence (AI), that is, the combination with the level of intelligence of students and the duality of the introduction of automated processes of artificial intelligence (AI).

Ключові слова

artificial intelligence (AI); educational process; innovative technologies; industry generation; vocational education; working profession; teaching staff; students; creative methodological proposals.

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