Innovative approaches to the development of primary education in Аzerbaijan in the early 20th сentury

Aytekin Mamedova


In the modern era, the prevalence of temporary and transient information over scientific knowledge indicates the formation of dangerous tendencies. Information is a tool that can be easily thrown away after use. Knowledge, of course, is also a tool, but it is a tool that transforms an individual into a personality and shapes his mind, morals and spirituality. Knowledge is never thrown away, because it separates people from ignorance and leads them into the world of science, culture, spirituality and humanity. The society we live in in the 21st century is changing rapidly. Global informatization of society and the development of telecommunication technologies have created an entirely new conditions related to the field of education. This is primarily related to the fact that education has become not only widespread but also has acquired a new quality – continuity. The continuity and sustainability of education implies that it should be accessible to every person, that it should be adapted to the interests and needs of learners, and focuses on personal development. Whether in higher education or general schools, there are significant challenges in creating a developmental educational environment. Some of these challenges are global difficulties that do not depend on the school and the teacher. Learners are more interested in gathering information than in acquiring scientific knowledge. Nowadays, both teachers and students have more sources of information: computers, radio, television and world travels. Modern educational resources (textbooks, etc.) are also rich in information. It should not be forgotten that information does not always transform into knowledge. Studying the history of education expands the boundaries of pedagogical thinking. Reintroduction the progressive aspects of the historical-pedagogical heritage of the 20th century into the scientific circulation plays a significant role in the formation of the modern educational and upbringing culture. The historical-pedagogical heritage is a source for both the renewal of pedagogical knowledge and the acquisition of new qualitative content, as well as its continuity. Studying the history of education is important and helps to solve two closely related problems. On one hand, the researcher studying the historical-pedagogical heritage determines the reasons and conditions for the emergence of any pedagogical idea, evaluates it in the context of space and time, studies the conditions of its application, analyzes the outcomes, determines its development dynamics and trends. On the other hand, he adopts the theories formed and developed under the influence of those pedagogical ideas. The historical-pedagogical heritage helps in studying the theory and practice of contemporary education, in summarizing the advanced experience in this field, in evaluating, understanding and solving the innovative content reforms in education from the point of view of modern pedagogical thinking and outlook. Education has been a leading factor in the formation of the economic, political, scientific, cultural, and material potential of modern society. The school, which emerged at a certain stage of development and gained relative independence, became a key factor in subsequent periods of progress, recording and preserving human achievements and turning them into a driving force of the development of society. The innovative processes that took place in education in different historical periods had a strong impact on the development of society. The emerging innovative approaches are directly related to the social order of society and have conditioned the creation of innovations in the content, form, and technology of education.

Ключові слова

education; pedagogy; innovative approaches; school; teacher; historical period; technologies.

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