Integrative learning as a pedagogical principle

Sevil Javadova


Topic of the article is relevant in terms of the implementation of fundamental reforms in our education system, special attention to this issue in the normative-legal documents, generalization of best practices in school practice, the lack of thorough research in this area in the country. We can summarize these issues as follows: the education system is currently undergoing rapid development due to large-scale relations. Secularization and modernization necessitate the improvement of the education system. The main goal of the reforms is to preserve nationalism while globalizing the education system. It is clear from thr education legislation that although the main goal is to build education in accordance with high standards, to create a perfect education system, all this is based on national values, providing easy perception for teachers and students. We build our education in accordance with our history, values, traditions, using the world education system and making the right adjustments. The second paragraph of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Education” states the principles of state policy in education: “AR has the policy of creating a system of continuous education. State policy in the field of education is based on the following principles: from a legal point of view, everyone has the opportunity to get education within the state standard; to create equal conditions for the realization of all knowledge, skills and talents; democratization of education and state-public character; increasing the independence of educational institutions; humanization of education; universal human values, human life and health, the priority of free individual development; humanization of education; strengthening the national education base; individualization and differentiation of training; integration of educational content” [1]. When paying attention to the principles, it is possible to observe a special emphasis on the factor of integration of the content of education as a principle. It becomes clear that as a result of the integration of the content of education, it may have a scientific and secular nature.

Ключові слова

role; subject; lesson; training; plan; contact; integrated.

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