The role of sports in the moral education of young people

Nigar Ibrahimova


In the article, the views of Heydar Aliyev, the national leader of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the first youth forum, the important tasks put forward by the state in the field of improving the material livelihood of the people, the main goals and tasks of physical education, the tasks facing the school in the field of physical development of young people, the pedagogical collective from the first days when children enter school the students' physical development and taking care of their height, comprehensive physical education, strengthening of health, increase of working capacity, prolongation of life and other problems are reflected. In Azerbaijan, the physical and spiritual development of teenagers and young people, their formation as personalities who acquire comprehensive knowledge, a broad outlook, spirituality and cultural values, and their growth as worthy citizens for our society are always in the center of attention. By developing physical education, which is one of the most important conditions for life, in other words, physical education and sports, wide opportunities are created for the healthy growth of the young generation in Azerbaijan, as well as for their improvement, mental and intellectual development. By developing physical education and sports, our state succeeds in developing the growing young generation as healthier, physically strong, morally perfect young people who love their homeland and people. Another important aspect of sports and physical education in the physical and spiritual education of young people is related to issues of labor activity and patriotism. Thus, a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness allow the involvement of highly capable and professional young people in production and act as a factor affecting the country's economic development. In addition, raising healthy youth is one of the important conditions for the defense of the Motherland, and the role of physical education and sports in this matter is great. Taking into account all these important points, the development of physical education and sports in modern civilized states is aligned with the youth policy and subordinated to the general strategy. It is one of the priorities of the state policy to create conditions for the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people, to help them realize their capabilities and abilities, to solve their social and economic problems, and to ensure the protection of their rights

Ключові слова

spiritual education; physical education; sports; endurance; flexibility; quickness; young people; general training; special training; medical supervision; hygiene

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