Actual problems of work on forming pedagogical tolerance in students

Leyla Babayeva


The article is dedicated to the current problems of the work on the formation of pedagogical tolerance in students. Training of students in higher education institutions as tolerant quality teachers will create conditions for those persons to feel comfortable in the audience in the future, to be loved by students, and to be satisfied with their professional activities. At the time of acquiring pedagogical tolerance, the future teacher should be tolerant, patient, encouraging, and restrained in interactions with colleagues, students, and students' parents and should follow the “Ethical behavior rules of teachers” during pedagogical activity, Teachers of the future should still stay away from the experience of intolerant communication, behavior from their student years. Pedagogical tolerance brings the teacher closer to the pupils, students, and intolerance alienates the teacher from them. Future teachers must fulfill the requirements of cooperation pedagogy. Pedagogy of cooperation provides an exceptional contribution to the formation of a culture of tolerance in students, as well as to the formation of pedagogical tolerance. This is natural. Upbringing within the framework of pedagogy of cooperation is considered not as an influence on student boys and girls, but as a dialogue between a teacher and a student. When carrying out educational and upbringing activities in the direction of the formation of pedagogical tolerance, attention should be paid to the characteristics of pedagogical communication based on love, attention, encouragement, care and patience. Pedagogical tolerance in the teacher-student relationship finds its expression in the humanistic attitude towards the students. A humane attitude towards students implies interest in their fate, trust in them, the ability to communicate with them, lack of coercion, positive incentives and tolerance for shortcomings. Democratization, humanization of the process of training and education is possible in conditions of pedagogical tolerance. The teacher's cooperation with students can be understood as a pedagogical principle, or pedagogical method, or approach. Pedagogical tolerance is an extremely good means of achieving the goal that lies ahead, improving school life, teacher-student (teacher-pupil) interaction. The essence of tolerance pedagogy is that the teacher relies on students in the management of the educational process, considers them to be his assistants, takes into account their opinions, thoughts, wishes and suggestions in the organization of the pedagogical process, and reckons with them. In this process, the teacher works so that students are closely involved in the learning process, become full-fledged participants and organizers of the pedagogical process along with teachers. Pedagogical tolerance makes it necessary to treat the inner world of the learners carefully and with extreme sensitivity. The desires, wishes and interests, individual characteristics, skills and abilities of the student boys and girls should always be in the center of attention of the members of the pedagogical team

Ключові слова

tolerance; interpersonal relations; teacher; student; intolerance; formation; pedagogical tolerance

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