Effective ways of organizing independent work of younger schoolchildren in the process of training life sciences

Aida Aliyeva


Primary education has an extremely large role in the general education system, since the personal experience, the level of development of a younger schoolchild in primary school creates the basis for further education. The desire to be a student is typical for students of I–IV grades. From the first days he came to school, the social motive occupies the central place. In other words, although the experience gained by the schoolchild in the family environment is very significant, the desire to have a new social position in the educational institution manifests itself. At one time, when he was surrounded by a family, this child was the only and unique being. Having come to school, he falls into a unique environment, like those around him, and finds his place in the world of social relations. The student begins to communicate with classmates due to the necessary need, in addition to adapting to the rhythm of the life of the educational institution and new requirements, self-organization and learning ways to organize his own time. Thus, he gains a new social position. The state educational standard of primary education requires greater independence from younger schoolchildren, and this is necessary for the formation of an independent personality. The requirements that are spoken about are necessary so that students can independently determine the goal in relation to any activity, choose means and methods that will help achieve this goal. The organization of independent work is one of the main problems of teaching in primary grades, because during this period, the active assimilation of the material and the acquisition of certain skills and abilities take place. Effective organization of independent work requires responsibility from teachers, including the teacher who teaches the subject of life science. The organization of independent work is an extremely complex process. The complexity and readiness of this process is due to the fact that the teacher, when planning, organizing and controlling each independent work in advance, must create conditions for independent activity at all stages

Ключові слова

organization of independent work; primary education; student; teacher; life sciences subject; appropriation

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