Professional burnout of teachers as psychological and pedagogical problem in modern conditions

Tatiana Branitska, Olga Ryabokon, Nataliya Logutina


The article examines the concept of "professional burnout" as a psychological and pedagogical problem. The concept of manifestation of the phenomenon of "professional burnout", its components and levels of development are considered here. The relationship between the emotional state and the process of professional burnout is shown. The article examines various methods of manifestation and development of professional burnout; it has been proven that the presence of emotional exhaustion leads to overwork and, as a result, to professional burnout. The article considers the relevance of professional burnout, characterizes the signs, levels and stages of the manifestation and development of this phenomenon. The authors analyzed: the latest scientific research in the field of professional burnout and its impact on the success of professional activities; analysis of the latest studies that prove that the level of professional burnout directly affects the productivity of the work process, helps to better understand other people, and effectively perform professional duties. The article examines the levels and stages of the development of professional burnout in the system of professional competencies, such as managing one's own emotions, empathy, social competence, and others. Various methods, trainings and courses are also offered to correct the process of professional burnout of teaching staff. In general, the article provides an interesting insight into the importance of taking into account the levels of professional burnout for the successful performance of all types of work tasks and success in professional activities. The problem lies in the fact that currently such a syndrome as "emotional burnout" is already becoming a well-known phenomenon from a practical point of view. Constant fatigue, desolation, a feeling of lack of social support, constant reproaches – are dissatisfaction with the profession. Communication with teachers shows that many teachers have all the manifestations of this phenomenon. Not only communication with teachers, but also surveys, testing and monitoring of the situation clearly shows that many of the teachers have all the manifestations of the studied phenomenon.

Ключові слова

professional burnout; emotional burning; psychological atmosphere; burnout syndrome; levels; stages and components of burnout.

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