Idioms in modern english and their explanation ways

Azer Suratulla oglu Faramarzov


The article deals with idioms used in Modern English and their explanation ways. The types of idioms and their translations are shown, the difference between them and free phrases are explained and the equivalents of some English units are given in Azerbaijani.

Ключові слова

idioms; idiomatic expressions; collocations

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American Idioms Dictionary Second Edition. Richard. A. Spears, PhD. — New York, US, 2007.

American Slangs. Fourth Edition. Barbara ANN. Kepfer PhD. Robert L. Chapman PhD Collins. Publishers. — New York, US, 2008.

Klimentieva Т., Shannon J. Happy English 2. — Obninsk : Kaluzhskaya Oblast, 1999.

Litvinov P. P. 100 English nouns a key to super memory 1000 idioms. — Moscow, 2006.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. — Oxford University press, 2005.

Phraseology. Barbara ANN. Kipfer. PhD, 2008. Naperfille Illinois, US. — Souce books. Inc.

Vinareva L. A. English Idioms / L. A. Vinareva, B. B. Yanson. — Moscow, 2015.


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