«Social model» in the education of children with disabilities
Inclusive education is a process of general education development. It means that education should be accessible to all in terms of meeting the diverse needs of all children. It also provides education for children with special needs. The concept of inclusive education is based on the principle of human rights. According to the Convention on Human Rights, states must establish an education system in which the right to education applies to every child. The Republic of Azerbaijan signed the Convention on Human Rights in 1992 and undertook to protect the right of every child living in our country to education. The article discusses the “social model” of the development of support services for children with disabilities. It is noted that according to this model, all children, regardless of health, family status, skills, religion, race, have equal rights in the educational process and in life. At the same time, the child is not obliged to participate in family life, to go to school, to be ready to work. More attention is paid to the adaptation of the environment to its capabilities, the creation of a system of social relations for the development of its abilities. In conclusion, the society's approach to inclusive education needs to change for the better so that children with disabilities in Azerbaijan can more easily and quickly integrate into society by studying with other children. They should be regularly monitored, additional special programs and textbooks should be identified for their education, a sufficient number of staff should be trained to work with them, and their skills should be developed and fertile conditions should be created for them to take a more comfortable and good place in the labor market. Because increasing the desire of such children to live will increase their success.
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