Initiation of training activities for junior schoolchildren. Crisis of ages 6–7

Aygun Rustamova


The article discusses the beginning of training activities for junior schoolchildren and the crisis of ages 6–7. Starting learning activities for children aged 6–7 is one of the most important problems of primary education in terms of adaptation to school environment. During this period, many changes occur in connection with the psychophysiological development of the child. Thus, the child combines the features of the preschool age with the features of the school age. This age period is still relevant today, despite the fact that it is sufficiently studied in the different fields, particularly in the psychological and pedagogical literature. The article also touches on the psychological characteristics of junior schoolchildren. It should be noted that children entering the first grade enter a new state of social development, as play is replaced by learning activities, in which children not only acquire new rights and responsibilities, but also the responsibilities they acquire must meet the requirements of school. Based on the results of the study, we can say that in order for children aged 6–7 to easily adapt to learning activities, it is necessary to prepare them for some kind of learning by creating interest in school. On the other hand, success in adapting junior schoolchildren to learning will be achieved if their cognitive and emotional characteristics are taken into account. The results of observations, surveys and experiments conducted at the secondary school named after H.Aliyev in Nakhchivan in 2017–2019, as well as the materials indicated in the bibliography were used in the preparation of the article.

Ключові слова

junior schoolchildren; training activity; adaptation; crisis of ages 6–7; subject; mental processes; physical development; emotional; preschool; behavior

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