The influence of the level of emotional intelligence on education and professional activity in modern times

Nazrin Asadova


In the modern education system, the problem of forming emotional intelligence is one of the topical issues in terms of the necessity of the ability to recognize and control other people's emotions, understand other people, and the effect on the efficiency of the formation of intellectual abilities. In the article, the relationship between emotional intelligence levels, interpersonal relationships and academic success indicators of university students was determined and the interaction of these variables was studied. In addition, this study was conducted by grouping indicators of emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships, and academic success in terms of some demographic factors (gender, age, and course of study). It was determined that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence (components), interpersonal relationships and academic success indicators. The results of our research showed that there is a positive correlation between interpersonal relationships and the components of emotional intelligence. That is, the levels of indicators of emotional intelligence and interpersonal relations of university students have increased, and their academic success indicators have also increased accordingly. Also, as the level of emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationships of university students decreased, their academic success indicators also decreased. From the results of the regression analysis, it became clear that there is an effect on emotional management, emotional evaluation, empathic sensitivity and the skills of using emotions, which are components of emotional intelligence. The ability of the studied persons to understand and control their own and others' emotions, to express themselves better, and to establish interpersonal relationships are important factors. Proper management of emotions, positive use and emphasis on empathic sensitivities are of great importance for the development of interpersonal relationships. Also, according to the results of the regression analysis, it was determined that emotional assessment, emotional management, empathic sensitivity and positive use of emotions, which are components of emotional intelligence, affect academic success indicators. In addition, during the study, differences in emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships and academic success indicators were determined according to gender, age and course studied by students. According to the results of the T-test analysis, it was determined that there is a significant difference between emotional intelligence and gender criteria. During the research, it was determined that the average score of emotional intelligence levels of female students is higher than the average score of emotional intelligence levels of male students. In this context, it can be said that female students can better understand, control and regulate emotions from people's facial expressions, non-verbal means of communication, and voice tones, unlike male students. In addition, according to the results of the T-test analysis, it was found that there is no significant difference between the gender criterion and the indicator of interpersonal relations and academic success. According to the results of the conducted ANOVA and T-test analysis, it was determined that there is no significant difference between emotional intelligence, interpersonal relations and academic success, and age and course of study. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature and the results of our research, we can make the following suggestions. It is very important to provide a social environment by universities to develop students' emotional intelligence and interpersonal relations system. It would be very useful for universities to organize lectures, seminars, congresses, symposia, conferences, educational programs and to evaluate students' activities in this direction in order to develop students' level of emotional intelligence, interpersonal relations and communication skills. In the research to be conducted in this direction, university students' emotional intelligence, interpersonal relations and communication skills, academic success level and various variables affecting them can be conducted. Also, modern didactic concepts that describe certain pedagogical phenomena clearly cover the problem of developing emotional intelligence, as well as propositions that allow to justify the need for the formation of emotional intelligence have been put forward. From the point of view of educational philosophy, the directions of analysis of the formation of emotional intelligence in different didactic concepts (goal setting, choice of educational content, main methods, etc.) are briefly described

Ключові слова

emotional intelligence; cognitive; teaching process; empathy; interpersonal relations

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