Diagnostic study of the degree of masculinity and femininity in teenager boys and girls

Ulviyya Nahmatova


Gender roles are a type of social roles are suitable behaviors for women and men. Masculine gender role means strong, independent, active, aggressive, focused on personal achievements and others however feminine gender role means gentle, tolerant, dependent, emotional, polite, and oriented to the interests of the family. For studing the gender roles of teenager boys and girls growing up in the cities and regions of Azerbaijan, we used the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) factor structure. S. Bem's questionnaire that examines the degree of masculinity and femininity of personality. As a result of the survey, 59.1% of teenage girls were feminine, 25.6% were androgenic, and 15.3% were masculine, while 33.7% of boys were feminine and 44.3% were androgenic. We determined that 22% have masculine characteristics. 61.6% of teenage girls in the urban environment have feminine qualities, 23.6% have androgenic qualities, and 14.8% have masculine qualities. 54.3% of teenage girls have feminine qualities, 29.5% have androgenic qualities, and 16.2% have masculine qualities in the district. 38.7% of teenager boys have feminine qualities, 40.9% have androgenic qualities, and 20.4% have masculine qualities in the urban environment. 24.2% of teenager boys have feminine qualities, 50.8% have androgenic qualities, and 25% have masculine qualities in the district. The survey revealed that the formation of feminine qualities in teenager boys was above the norm. The main reason for this is that women play a greater role in the upbringing of teenager boys in the family and school environment. Thus, we believe that preventive measures can be implemented as a result of the joint work of family, school and society in order to prevent the formation of gender roles that are not compatible with the mentality of teenagers, and the formation of the correct gender roles of teenagers that are compatible with the mentality in their future life, for example, in their relationship with the opposite sex, in the care of their children in girls, in boys in military service, family administration, etc. will have a positive impact on issues.

Ключові слова

teenager; gender roles; feminine; masculine; androgenic; BSRI; questionnaire-survey; city environment; district environment.

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