Thoroughness as a factor of personality’s decision-making

Oleksandr Sannikov


The article presents the results of a study of the cognitive component of decision-making and the thoroughness of choice as a stable characteristic of a individual’s decisiveness. The role of personality’s detailed decision-making in the system «person – profession – society» is shown. The author consideres the views of scientists on the problem of personality’s thoroughness, structure, mechanisms and role in the formation and formation of a specialist’s personality, in the development of professional skills. It was confirmed that thoroughness is included in the structure of decisiveness and is one of the stable characteristics of a decision-maker. The interconnection between the thoroughness and the cognitive characteristics of the individual’s decisiveness was proved, and the pronounced thoroughness can support the decisiveness in an active state. We can assume that the thoroughness of the choice is not only a predictor, a cognitive factor of decisiveness, but also its psychological resource, a quality that ensures the optimization of decision-making, increases its performance by activating personality’s cognitive characteristics. For the empirical research, an original psychodiagnostic complex of methods was used, including: the questionnaire «Personal factors of decision-making», the «Subjective self-assessment of decisiveness» method, «Tolerance to uncertainty», «Melbourne decision-making questionnaire», «Decision-making questionnaire». Statistical data processing was carried out using the SPSS 13.0 for Windows software. We used quantitative (correlation) and qualitative analysis of the data (the method of «aces» and «profiles»). The statistically significant relationships were revealed between the indicators of thoroughness, foresightedness and reasonableness of decisiveness. A description of the psychological characteristics of the decisiveness of individuals with high and low levels of thoroughness of decision-making is provided. Comparison of the features of decisiveness in individuals with different levels of thoroughness of choice showed that pronounced independence in the analysis of the situation, tolerance to changes in the conditions of choice, foresightedness in assessing options for choice, the rationality of choosing a rational way to achieve the final goal, are largely inherent in people who are prone to thorough decisions. It is proved that the cognitive component in the structure of «decisiveness» is formed by the properties of rationality, foresightedness and prudence, in general, they provide an analysis of the situation, an assessment of the effectiveness of an individual’s costs for solving the problem that has arisen, and foreseeing the consequences of choice and decision-making. The thoroughness of decisiveness is manifested in thoroughness, scrupulousness, in the analysis of the ways of development of the decision-making situation, the predictability of the costs of the expected consequences, in the search and evaluation of the use of the strategy for achieving the goal, in the pragmatism and rationality of the choice. Thoroughness influences the manifestations of the cognitive component of decisiveness, determines its specificity, thereby performing the resource function of choice

Ключові слова

decision-making; decisiveness; thoroughness; personality’s choice; cognitive factors

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