The features of teachers’ inner freedom with different levels of psychological safety of their educational environment

Olena Bondarchuk


The article deals with the problem of the correlation between teachers’ inner freedom and psychological safety of the educational environment of the school. The key contradictions of the position of the Ukrainian teachers which can reduce their inner freedom and adversely affect on the psychological safety of the educational environment are determined. The essence and basic indicators of teachers’ inner freedom and psychological safety of the educational environment of secondary schools are revealed. The relationship between the inner freedom of teachers and the safety of the educational environment has been investigated. The distinctive features and factors of teachers’ inner freedom and psychological safety of their educational environment are found. As a result of the empirical study of the inner freedom of teachers of secondary school from all regions of Ukraine, are found an insufficiently high level of the inner freedom and psychological safety of educational environment for a significant number of educators. The features of manifestations of inner freedom of teachers and psychological safety of the educational environment of school depending on their gender and work experience are defined. It is shown that psychological safety of educational environment is a significant factor in the personal development of teachers, in particular, their inner freedom. There are correlations between psychological safety of educational environment and indicators of teachers’ inner freedom such as self-efficacy, the personal value of inner freedom, professional autonomy and subjective well-being. The investigation findings can be used in to elevate inner freedom Ukrainian teachers’ by means of special training courses in the system of post-graduate pedagogical training is stated

Ключові слова

teacher; inner freedom; educational environment; psychological safety; subjective well-being

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