The role of teaching materials in shaping the national character of teenagers

Parvin Aliyeva


The aim of this article is to analyze the role of training materials in the formation of national character qualities in teenagers. The formation of national character qualities in teenagers primarily depends on the content of the educational materials taught to them. In other words, the national characteristics of the teaching materials taught, the training materials that develop the national character, must meet the requirements of education with their content and quality. The conscious work of a student to specialize in a variety of subjects taught at school has a strong influence on other important aspects as well as the characteristics that characterize the formation of a modern outlook and mental development. In the teaching of each subject, there is an opportunity to cultivate in the student and this or that positive character trait. Education is a decisive factor in the formation of the student's beliefs, arising from the scientific worldview. Worldview and beliefs play a driving role in character formation. Training-upbringing has a strong influence on the development and improvement of individual-mental characteristics, interests of the adolescent, the flowering of talents and abilities, the development and strengthening of temperament, character traits. Thanks to a well-organized learning process, students develop and strengthen a number of positive traits, such as attentiveness, observation, consistency, diligence, resourcefulness, initiative, independence, business acumen, discipline, perseverance. These enjoyable signs, in turn, have a powerful effect on a person's subsequent development. The activity and method of teaching and learning identifies the input factors (students, teachers, instructional materials), the process (research, leadership, student services), and the output factors (employable graduates, knowledge creation and economic growth). Teaching and learning activity is also seen in the skills, attitudes and research orientation of the students. Negative physical and social conditions may affect the quality of effective teaching and learning. It is important that an enabling environment be put in place for effective teaching and learning skills. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of teachers to be sufficiently trained on the use of teaching aids, and have full understanding of their subject in order to pass on the right knowledge to students. The use of pictures, video clips, objects, internet facilities help the students to have a real-life imagination of the context of what is being taught. This leads to the reinforcement of learning: what we hear we forget; what we see we remember; what we do we understand. Motivations for transforming 21st century learning are the lack of preparation for life and work, emerging student characteristics, disengagement and high dropout rates, lack of motivation, the changing conditions and needs of the 21st century labour market, and global scenarios like economic and social crises, global diversity, and climate change.

Ключові слова

teenager; learning process; questionnaire-survey; teacher-student relations; national character.

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