Forced internal displacements in Ukraine: the problem of integration in society

Zinaida Smutchak, Oksana Ursol


The article examines the problem of ordering and integrating forced internal displacement into society. Attention is paid to the issue of integration of internally displaced persons into host communities. The importance of the integration of internally displaced persons into the host communities has been proven, and a mechanism has been developed to transform the potential of internally displaced persons into a resource for the development of the host community. As integration is a two-way process that requires steps both from the side of the internally displaced persons and from the authorities and the host community, the policies that are implemented in relation to the internally displaced persons are actually a measure not only of how easily the internally displaced persons will be able to integrate, but also to what extent the community is ready to accept migrants and see them as part of itself. A SWOT-analysis was conducted in order to determine the directions and approaches for the development of strategic management in the field of regulating forced migrants in Ukraine, as a result of which it was found that potential advantages and opportunities prevail, therefore, measures to regulate forced internal displacement are recommended to be implemented in the long term, implementing them in national and regional programs (that is, measures of a preventive and not a reactive nature). Currently, external migrations are more threatening than internal migrations. SWOT-analysis will help to focus efforts on those areas that will develop the strengths of the migratory strategy of our country and contribute to the determination of ways of effective use of opportunities and neutralization of threats. One of the elements of the state migratory policy in the field of internal migration in modern conditions should also be a policy aimed at participants in migratory activity and potential migrants. Successful management in the field of internal migration is currently the key to increasing its positive effects. At the same time, management communications in the field of internal migration must take place between citizens, private structures, as well as state bodies, be continuous and provide for the most transparent exchange of information.

Ключові слова

migration; forced displacements; internal displacements; military aggression; forced mass internal migration relocations; state migratory policy.

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