Organizational-economic mechanism of ecological tourism development

Iuliiа Bondar, Nina Lehinkova


The article considers the essence of approaches to organizational and economic development of ecological tourism, reveals the modern interpretation of the concept of ecological tourism and searches for alternatives to prevent the destructive impact of tourism on the environment, as well as analyzes the basic principles of ecotourism. It should be noted that ecological tourism is an effective means of economic and social revival of Ukraine. The ecotourism industry performs important functions in the development of the economic complex and economy of the country, region, region, because: it increases local incomes; creates new jobs; promotes the development of industries focused on the production of ecotourism services; develops social and production infrastructure in tourist centers; increases budget revenues, etc. Thus, the organizational and economic mechanism of ecotourism development should be aimed primarily at environmental protection, creating an economic mechanism identical to that used in the management of the economy by providing common approaches to the organization of production planning and environmental protection, stimulating greening production and reducing anthropogenic impact for recreational resources. A SWOT-analysis was conducted, which makes it possible to determine the features and current directions of ecotourism development, to concentrate material, technical, investment, organizational, economic and other means for its needs and to develop clear measures and proposals for ecotourism development in general. It is proved that the organizational and economic mechanism of management of ecological tourism development should be understood as such set of system elements defining algorithm of direct and indirect influence on conditions of functioning and development of object of management and providing realization of cooperative interactions of participants of territorial recreational complexes. efficiency of the regional economy

Ключові слова

ecotourism; recreational resources; tourism industry; analysis; organizational and economic mechanism; strategy

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