Psychological features of young people's perception of themselves as voters: a cognitive component

Sviatoslav Korsakevych


The scientific expediency of our chosen research topic is determined by: Empowering civil society, which influences its projects and actions among other things on socio-political processes in the country. In Ukraine, the role of non-government organizations and non-government initiatives should be emphasized, a significant part of which (in terms of staff or number of employees involved) are young people who want change. The interest of young people in politics and the ability to some political subjectivity of individual citizens aged 18–35 years. Which is due to the general rejuvenation of the Verkhovna Rada of the ninth convocation in comparison with other convocations. The average age of a People's Deputy as a subject of politics in the largest party as of November 19, 2021 is 37.6 years [13]. Increasing the role of youth in the formation of public policy, its real participation in political processes. A clear example of the political participation of young people was the election of the President of Ukraine in 2019 (according to A. Hrushetsky, Deputy Director of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, a more visible connection of support for a candidate in the second round can be traced depending on the age of respondents). So, we can see that under V. Zelensky voted (80%) people under the age of 30 voted in this age group, which may not have had a decisive but significant impact on the election results) [14]. The relevance of the materials presented in the article of the empirical study meets the modern demands of society for knowledge about the political self-determination of voters, among whom a significant part is young people. The complexity and multifaceted nature of the process of political self-determination leads to the assumption of the existence of different types or directions of formation and implementation of this phenomenon. And in order to confirm or refute such hypothetical considerations, a study was conducted taking into account the theoretical scientific achievements on this topic

Ключові слова

self-determination; political self-determination; self-determination regarding participation in the election process; young; factors of youth electoral self-determination; types of youth electoral self-determination; cognitive component

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