Effective ways of learning social and political vocabulary in teaching Еnglish

Aynur Mammadova


The development of personnel potential, including the capacity to exhibit professionalism in different contexts, timings, and locations, is one of the most significant challenges facing universities offering specialized instruction in foreign languages. The article aims to provide students with a socio-political lexicon using contemporary learning ways and patterns of socio-political lexicon instruction in teaching English in higher education. The socio-political lexicon, which is well-known to have close ties to other fields of science and life, is a dictionary that covers the terms and concepts of the socio-political life of society. It is crucial to select innovative teaching techniques appropriate for various contexts when instructing students on sociopolitical vocabulary. Socio-political vocabulary must now be systematically taught to language faculty students in their specialized language using a planned, methodic, and progressive training model. It's essential that socio-political lectures are taught in English, which is the students' specialized language, and that modern teaching principles are being implemented. The socio-political lexicon is valuable for preparing students for job opportunities within the country and abroad. The research article offers insights on how to establish a strong foundation in political terminology. The open nature of the dictionary, book penetration, colloquial and shortened dictionaries, international terms, the existence of unique stable socio-political terminology, and the application of comparable techniques when translating from English to Azerbaijani or vice versa are some of the universal criteria of the socio-political lexicon. Furthermore, there are perceived deficiencies concerning the students' employment of socio-political jargon in their discourse. To achieve this goal, the research planned an experiment involving 26 students (15 girls and 6 boys) to analyze the issue. According to the findings, these problems were brought on by the students' involvement, the inadequate use of student-oriented learning environments, traditional approaches in vocabulary learning, the lack of rigorous application, and motivation, and the resistance to the notion of learning a second language.

Ключові слова

sociopolitical lexicon; expressive lexicon; receptive lexicon; categories of socio-political lexicon; linguistic units; communicative skills.

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