Opportunities and ways of teaching stochastics elements in school mathematics training

Naila Ibrahimova


The strategies and approaches utilized in school textbooks and methodical literature to teach the elements of probability theory make it evident that, in order for students to fully understand the theory of probability, they must be able to identify the statistical indicators of events that occur in the course of their daily lives. In accordance with said idea, it would be good to start with the questions posed that require the solution of the activities of students' daily life and related to the corresponding situation. As a result, not every theorem presented as theoretical information in mathematics training needs to be proven. Quite a lot of time is spent on proving those theorems, but also the tasks of the course include the formation of useful habits, and not the skills of proving theorems. The process of introducing the content line “Statistics and Probability” into the school mathematics course is a typical and rather complicated task. There is such a thesis that in order to master the beginnings of probability theory, students should be instilled with knowledge and skills with new training methods, unlike traditional training. Considering this, teaching the younger generation essential skills is the only thing that bothers psychologists and educators in the modern day. Because the student must deeply feel the ideas about the vital problems surrounding him, self-identify them, evaluate them as an independent line in the direction of formation of logical thinking, development of activity of thinking. Due to the new inclusion of probability theory and statistics in school mathematics, the problem of implementing these materials in school textbooks has arisen. Also, the number of methodical literature related to the specific features of this course is not so large yet. Therefore, the creation of a technique for teaching probability theory and statistics in general education classrooms, as well as an analysis of the course's outcomes, constitute real topics.

Ключові слова

mathematics training; probability theory; students; school; stochastic elements; intra- and interdisciplinary integration.

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