Using authentic dialogues in teaching Еnglish

Narmin Ibrahimli


Exposure to real-world linguistic usage is one of the main advantages of dialogues. In modern English language teaching, authentic dialogues have significant communicative value, giving them a new meaning and quality. The article aims to reveal new ways of using authentic dialogues through theoretical basis explaining linguistic features in English. In English, students often do not participate in unplanned conversations in non-teaching environments that construct authentic dialogue. When English is used in real-world conversations, learners can converse in the language in various settings, from business meetings to casual conversations. This includes elements of making authentic dialogue, its techniques, and evaluation that are frequently left out of traditional language textbooks. It is evident from observations that the development of socio-cultural competencies and communicative competencies in English language instruction places less emphasis on fostering oral interaction and establishing authentic communication. The development of oral interactions for some classroom activities makes it challenging to create meaningful opportunities, and there is a lack of clarity surrounding the communicative approach in English language teaching as well as the methods and techniques that make up authentic oral interaction. Research on English language methodology demonstrates that using authentic dialogues to teach language helps teachers address concerns about their familiarity with dialogue pedagogy, whether the requirements enhance language proficiency in authentic conversations, and how to support their approach to dialogue. Findings prove that teaching methods in learning original dialogues help students develop thinking and problem-solving skills and make students active participants in the learning process, encouraging them to take responsibility for their learning.

Ключові слова

authentic dialogue; discourse theory; linguistic; communicative competence; elements of dialogue; techniques; evaluation.

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