Manifestation of sociality in different styles of speech

Munavvar Zeynalova


The presented article briefly examines the differences between the functional diversity of language and speech. As mentioned in the literature about linguistics, various levels of language structures are closely related to the social aspects of language. Thus, the units of the language structure are carriers of its sociality, which is manifested in a specific way at different levels. Since the layers of sociality are presented in the form of levels in the structure of the language, sociality is realized through them. Sociality in language is understood as a set of linguistic and non-linguistic, speech and non-speech means. In this regard, sociality in language to a certain extent corresponds to sociality in thinking, consciousness and other higher mental functions. This compatibility is manifested in the fact that both linguistics and sociolinguistics study the ways in which language is used. However, there is a difference between them. While linguistics uses language as a means of naming the external world, objects and events, then sociolinguistics uses language as a means of changing names. Therefore, studying the sociality of language is important for identifying the functional diversity of language and speech. The characteristic feature of speech culture as an expression of a certain level of social culture is that it always influences the consciousness, behavior and activities of people. Social aspects of speech culture (age, level of education, gender, profession, social status), along with other aspects of speech culture, are of equal importance for the communicative improvement of speech, since they have a decisive influence on speech behavior and the process of choosing the best option for constructing socially correct expressions. It is also noted in the article that speech, which is valued as a form of social activity, takes place both in written and oral form. During oral speech we speak and listen, and during written speech we write and read. A number of characteristic features of oral and written speech, distinguished as active and passive types of activity, are reflected in the article.

Ключові слова

linguistics; sociality; external speech; internal speech; speech process; interpersonal communication; manifestation; exchange of information.

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