Organization of training in informatics courses using collaborative technologie

Arzu Jafarova


Educational program in Informatics has a serious impact on the perspective, talent, ability and creativity of everyone in the labor market in modern times. It is explained by the exceptional role of Computer Science in the preparation and formation of young people for life and practical activities. Informatics also plays an exceptional role in the cognitive development of the student, in the formation of logical thinking, and in the improvement of judgment and understanding abilities. Therefore, the Informatics is the main general education course in the formation of the founders and future residents of the information society. As part of curriculum reform, teaching computer science requires the creation of new training technologies. The curriculum drawn up for Informatics defines the main goals of teaching this subject in secondary schools, reflects all activities to achieve training outcomes. Informatics Curriculum is directed to the capabilities and needs of each student, it serves to form the young generation, solve the problems they face and make independent decisions. The Curriculum is aimed at having the skills of competent use of information technologies and systems meeting the necessary information provision of schoolchildren. The teaching of Informatics in all grades of secondary schools, the application of computers in the teaching of all subjects gives this course a general educational character. The curriculum covering the main content lines of informatics includes a wide range of content. The content, which has an integrative nature, allows us to understand that different knowledge is related to each other not only within the Information Science, but also in other subjects and in real life. With the implementation of the new curriculum Computer Science teacher faces tasks such as preparing the young generation for life in the information society, working with new programs and conditions, searching for information, placing information in the information space, organizing joint work using different Internet services. The use of new educational technologies and methods based on Internet services allows schoolchildren to get in touch with the information world they will live in tomorrow. Characteristics of people living in the information society is continuous education, the ability to continuously learn new information.

Ключові слова

informatization of education; collaboration; Informatics; Internet services; personality development

Повний текст:



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