Formation of students' listening-comprehension skills in teaching english from a linguodidactic perspective

Yagut Bashirli


Listening-comprehension is the most difficult type of speech activity that occurs in an artificial language environment. The primary condition here is the intuitive perception of the content and meaning of the spoken text simultaneously, as well as the recognition of lexical and grammatical material within the speech. The role of the productive performer (the speaker) is to select and adapt the lexical and grammatical elements stored in long-term memory during the expression of ideas, while the receptive performer's (the listener's) attention is focused on receiving the speech flow, correlating the grammatical features and lexical meanings of words within the same timeframe, and understanding the speech. In this process, the speech analyzer plays a significant role. It should not be forgotten that the perception of form and content in the native language occurs at the same time, while the attention of the listener is focused solely on the content. In a foreign language, this causes some difficulties if the form is not automated enough. However, the main goal in the formation of listening-comprehension skills should be to ensure the understanding of form and content at the same time. The relevance of a dissertation aimed at improving English language teaching methodology primarily arises from this necessity. To achieve a positive outcome, there is a need to investigate methodical approaches that are scientifically substantiated and tested experimentally. As we know, speech activity is carried out in four types: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. According to the nature of verbal communication, the types of speech activity are divided into types that form oral and written communication. Speaking and listening-comprehension are speech activities that realize oral communication. In relation to speech, the different types of speech activity mean the formation and expression of thoughts in various ways. If we take speech as a method of formation and expression of ideas through language, then this classification creates different forms of speech. Here, we would particularly like to emphasize that the types and forms of speech are completely separate concepts. There are three forms of speech: external oral, external written, and internal speech. Speech is the formation and expression of ideas in the oral form of communication by an external oral method. Types of speech activity differ from each other in the nature of the interrelation controlling this process. In speaking, a kinesthetic interrelation is created from the executive organ, that is, the articulation apparatus, to the program of the brain that creates this process. This muscle-related interrelation acts as an internal control. In addition to internal interrelation, there is external interrelation based on listening. Therefore, listening-comprehension is not a type of speech activity, but a form, and it combines speaking and listening-comprehension as a type of speech activity. To learn speaking in a foreign language, it is necessary to establish a continuous articulatory-auditory connection, which conditions the success of internal speech. There is only one way to create such relationships. The intensive use of auditory expression with a proactive character in practice. By doing all this, you should be able to adjust the pace of your inner speech to the announcer's pace through repeated listening. The principle of the development tempo of internal speech has been actively used by us in the first and second stages of teaching. Thus, it can be said that in the initial stage of listening comprehension, repeated listening tunes the student's voice apparatus to understanding the speech heard in a foreign language. Additionally, repeated practice generates auditory patterns of words, which not only plays an invaluable role in perceiving speech but also in improving subsequent speech production. In addition to using methodical tools and properly organizing the teaching process in order to facilitate the issues posed by listening-comprehension teaching, careful selection of audio materials that match the levels of language learners plays a big role.

Ключові слова

foreign language; training; English language teaching; listening-comprehension; speech mechanisms.

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