The role and importance of didactic games in the formation and development of students' artistic creative abilities

Shahla Suleymanova


It is one of the most important points to reveal the artistic creativity abilities of students studying in the primary classes of general education schools and to do work in this regard. At this time, the organization of didactic games will lead to the further development of their creative abilities as a result of purposeful, organized and planned implementation. Thus, through didactic games, students' talents are revealed, and they also create conditions for the formation of qualities such as patriotism, philanthropy, collective behavior rules, hard work, and a positive appreciation of art. At this time, teachers have a great responsibility. The competent position of teachers plays an important role in correctly writing the scenarios of didactic games and in the correct distribution of roles of students. In the organization of didactic games, students learn, improve their outlook, and gain achievements for the development of artistic creativity. Creativity in science and art can be further developed in a play environment, starting from a young age. It is possible to achieve the emergence of artistic creative abilities of students through didactic games in the teaching of humanitarian subjects, especially in the primary classes of general education schools. When the student realizes his feelings and thoughts in a suitable environment according to his abilities, he will have both cultural relaxation and reveal his creative qualities. Because during the didactic game, the student feels comfortable, has fun, and also learns. Students who draw, write poetry, have the ability to act, play a musical instrument, etc. also gain spiritual qualities such as beauty and valuing beauty. If we take into account that beauty is created by art, then the students' aesthetic-artistic taste is also developed. In order to see the aesthetic and artistic taste in the student, they should also be familiar with every field of art. This includes music, painting, poetry, acting, playing any instrument, etc. can be noted. This also forms students' ability to correctly appreciate the beauty in art. Music is one of the areas that form aesthetic and artistic taste in students. The cornerstones of music are related to areas such as musical talent, hearing, perception and memory. This can be defined as the hidden powers that s/he brings from birth. Influenced by individual differences, musical talent is equally important in every person. Every child has a certain interest in music to a greater or lesser extent. The teacher can determine whether the musical ability of the students is inherited or acquired later.

Ключові слова

student; didactic game; teacher; artistic creativity; drawing; music.

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