Criteria and indicators for selecting digital tools of video conferencing for e-learning implementation in the institution of postgraduate pedagogical education

Petro Hrabovskyi, Yuliia Zaporozhtseva


This article is devoted to one of the actual problems of today-the organization of the process of professional development in the institution of postgraduate pedagogical education by distance learning. In particular, the selection of digital tools of video conferencing for synchronous electronic learning the implementation. The criteria and indicators for the selection of the necessary digital media are identified and described by the educational institution, and based on the analysis of scientific publications, legal documents, relevant software applications. So, it is advisable to apply operational and functional criteria. The indicators of the first criterion include the following: requirements for user hardware and software; payment for using; duration of the communication session; security and confidentiality; conditions of connection of participants; language of interface; availability of an application for mobile devices. Among the indicators of the second criterion are the following: the number of functionalities of the moderator; the number of functional capabilities of the participant; availability of a virtual interactive whiteboard and its functionality; monitoring the activity of participants. The importance of the proposed criteria and indicators is confirmed by the method of expert evaluation and appropriate calculations using the methods of mathematical statistics (Pearson's test), as well as the functions of the application Microsoft Office Excel (CHISQ.TEST). Further research on this issue may include refining the algorithm for evaluating the relevant digital video conferencing tools according to certain criteria and indicators to select the most effective software in the implementation of distance learning for distance learning in synchronous mode.

Ключові слова

professional development; postgraduate teacher education; E-learning; digital tools for videoconferencing.

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