Emotional intelligence as an element of airline corporate social responsibility management

Nadiia Kovalenko, Tetiana Doroshenko, Oksana Ursol


The study is devoted to the study of emotional intelligence as a basis for the formation of corporate culture of socially responsible enterprise. It is established that emotional intelligence can provide significant development of employees, increase their efficiency and competitiveness, ensure the growth of enterprise performance. Certainly, the development of emotional intelligence of enterprise personnel has become one of the most pressing problems of our time, which is why there is a need to consider this issue. All over the world, more and more attention is being paid to the workforce, ensuring its growth and development within the organization, because it will be the key to successful and efficient operation of the enterprise. The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that in Ukraine the emotional components of human resources are greatly underestimated, and as a result there is a mass exodus of highly qualified specialists abroad, the collapse of many research and production teams and, finally, weakening the country's competitive position in the world labor market. It is specified that the meaning of the development of corporate culture on the basis of emotional intelligence is to build constructive relationships and succeed in business socialization. The analysis of the effectiveness of the use of emotional intelligence as the basis of corporate culture was conducted on a real object – the international airline «URGA». The model of development of emotional intelligence as an element of formation of corporate culture and maintenance of corporate social responsibility in the airline is developed and presented. The program of development of emotional intelligence which consists 3 modules, separately for each level of employees of the airline is presented. The effectiveness of the program for the development of emotional intelligence as an element of forming the corporate culture of the airline by improving both financial, economic and social performance

Ключові слова

airline; emotional intelligence; corporate culture; personnel; corporate social responsibility of the enterprise

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